Shouger Merchant Doshi, known for her bridal creations, is all set to rock the ramp at South Africa Bridal Fashion Week (SABFW) with her Indo-western and fusion ensemble as the finale designer.
Keeping in mind the number of Indians residing in Durban, SABFW invited Doshi and her brand Zanaaya Couture to present bridal and trousseau collection Sunday, said a statement.
"Our mantra has always been Indo-western and fusion. I don't do anything that is very typically Indian and perhaps that is why our collection has caught the eye of Indians abroad," said Doshi.
"I plan to showcase a range of outfits that is completely different from what we showcase in India to appeal to non-Indians as well," she added.
From Indo-western gowns to zardozi embellishments, Doshi's collection will have a lot of India inspired designs.
"Our collection consists of Indo-western gowns with intricate and creative pearl and zardozi embellishments, which is our signature embroidery. We will also be showcasing some pre-draped saris, bridal lehengas and trendy festive anarkalis to give them a flavour of our Indian culture," she added.
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The four-day fashion extravaganza started Thursday.
This is not her first stint on the international ramp, Doshi had previously showcased at Hong Kong Fashion Week in 2012.
She recently opened her first flagship store at Kemps Corner in Mumbai and also supplies to other outlets in the country as well as stores in Hong Kong, Dubai and Singapore.