Importers in Singapore have been ordered to withhold the sales of Nestle's Maggi instant noodles produced in India until test results on its quality are out, media reported on Friday.
The decision was taken by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) on Thursday after many Indian states banned the sale of the noodles for 15-30 days after high levels of lead were found in batches tested in New Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, The Straits Times reported.
The AVA said "a small amount" of Maggi brand instant noodles have been imported into Singapore from India, but Maggi oat products manufactured in India have not been brought into the country.
As a precautionary measure, the AVA has taken samples of the instant noodles for food safety tests and advised affected importers to withhold sales until tests are completed.
The AVA added that food products that fail tests will not be allowed for sale.