Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia tabled a report card in the Delhi Assembly on Wednesday on Lt. Governor Anil Baijal's performance, highlighting major delays by him in the approval of government schemes, the longest being 402 days.
The Lt. Governor's office hit back by terming the report card "incorrect and misleading".
As per rules, all projects passed by the Delhi cabinet have to be approved by the Lt. Governor before they can be implemented.
"This office has learned through media about the circulation of an LG's Outcome Report. The report prima facie appears to contain incorrect facts in a deliberate attempt to mislead. A detailed factual response on this report shall be given tomorrow," an official statement from Baijal's office said.
The report card, 'Outcomes of the office of the Lieutenant Governor', has delays of major project proposals sent to the office of the Lt. Governor for approval.
According to it, the longest delay for approval of a project by Baijal was for 'Higher Education Loan Guarantee Scheme for Students' -- 402 days -- while the lowest was for 'Doorstep Delivery of Services', which was delayed by only 21 days.
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"This seems to reflect that the insubstantive queries and clarifications (by Baijal) are merely a means to delay, derail or scuttle policies of elected government," the report said.
It also has details of vacancies in all important Delhi government departments -- such as the Services Department, which appoints officers under the ambit of the Lt. Governor in Delhi.
"Is LG's institution a Local Guardian of all corrupt officers?" Sisodia said while presenting the report.