Six popular Tamil film producers - K.E Gnanavel Raja, S. Sashi Kanth, C.V. Kumar, Elred Kumar, Abinesh Elangovan and Lakshman Kumar - have jointly floated a company, Dream Factory, which will focus on better ways to distribute and market content in Tamil Nadu.
"We've been facing lot of distribution problems. There's no organised way of looking at how can a film be marketed, distributed and monetised. The idea behind this company is to help producers find a solution to problems related to distribution and marketing," producer C.V. Kumar told IANS.
"We have come together because we as individual producers, we have struggled to monetise our films. We plan to run this corporate company," he added.
Dream Factory, to begin with will distribute five Tamil films in the next few months. The films include "Sarabham", "Madras", "Yaan", "Kaaviya Thalaivan" and "Lucia".