Sports Minister Vijay Goel on Wednesday termed inspiring the feat of 100-year-old Indian Mann Kaur, who picked up a gold medal in the 100-metre race at the Americas Masters Games in Vancouver.
Hailing from Chandigarh, Mann was the lone contender in the event which she completed in a minute and a half.
She also won two gold medals in Shot Put and Javelin competitions held in Vancouver.
"100 yrs old #ManKaur runs 100 mtr race without breaking her stride at #AmericanMastersGames. Also 3 gold medals in the tournament. Inspiring," Goel wrote on Twitter.
Mann began running at age of 93 at the suggestion of her son, 78-year-old Gurdev Singh, who also competes in the Masters Games and says he knew she could become a star in her age category.
She has won more than 20 medals, including snatching three golds this week, as she is the only competitor in the category for women over 100.
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