Three Rajasthan Royal players, S. Sreesanth, Ajit Chandila and Ankit Chavan, arrested for alleged spot fixing in the IPL will be questioned for the second time by the Delhi Police Saturday.
The trio will be confronted with each other for the first time since their arrest Thursday. They were questioned separately Friday, police said.
They will also be confronted with bookies and audio recordings. The questioning will be led by S.N. Srivastava, special commissioner of Delhi Police.
The Delhi Police is likely to conduct more raids in several cities Saturday to track the money trail in connection with the Indian Premier League (IPL) spot fixing, sources said.
Raids will be carried out in five cities, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Delhi-NCR (national capital region).
Three cricketers and eleven bookies, who are in five days police custody, were charged under section 420 (cheating) and 120 (B) (criminal conspiracy) of the IPC.
The Delhi Police arrested the three players in a post-midnight operation in Mumbai May 16 for spot fixing in IPL matches for payments of upto Rs.60 lakh, just for giving away a pre-determined number of runs in an over.