The Delhi High Court on Thursday, taking note of the huge pendency of cases relating to economic offence wing (EOW) of Delhi Police, directed Special Commissioner of Police Amulya Patnaik to submit a proposal to curb delays in completion of investigation in the cases.
Justice P.S. Teji slammed police for not implementing, on ground level, the police commissioner's January 20 standing order that all the investigating officers (IO) complete the investigation in financial crimes within a period of one year.
The primary responsibility of EOW is to probe sensitive and complex cases related to economic offences.
The court asked Patnaik to come up with guidelines to streamline the investigation process by May 10, while assuring the court was prepared to lend him all form of support in ensuring that the guidelines are followed.
"Tell me if you have any difficulty in doing this. I will take it up with the government. You only have to streamline it. Let it be done in letter and spirit of the standing order," said the court.
As per the standing order, if investigation could not be completed within a year, then the IO has to seek the permission of the deputy commissioner of police.
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The court said: "The IO does not understand what was to be done.. SHO concerned was to comply with the guidelines, but there is one excuse after another... The DCP should brief all the SHO at least once in a week."