Virtually reprimanded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his attacks on the RBI Governor and other officers, BJP MP Subramanian Swamy on Friday said he will be less active on Twitter for one week, and he needs to "concentrate" on various cases like Ram temple.
"Now Ram Temple, NH (National Herald), impleading in Swami Dayananda's WP in SC, Aircel Maxis, CSK ban etc. requires me to concentrate. So few tweets for 1 week," Swamy tweeted.
In another tweet, he sought to direct his ire against the media: "If I apply Samuelson-Swamy Theory of Index Numbers to India's GDP calculation or RBI interest rates, the media will scream anti-party activity!"
The Rajya Sabha member wrote in another tweet: "I filed 2G Scam case, lawyers made a lot of money defending the crooks. Now because of my tweets, presstitudes raking in cash in trucks!!"
The former union minister also flayed the attack on Hindu priests in Bangladesh.
"It is painful to see daily murder of Hindu priests and activists in B'desh. Hindu blood was shed to liberate these barbarians to create B'desh," he said.
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On June 29, after Prime Minister Narendra Modi dubbed his attack on Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan and top Finance Ministry officials as a "publicity stunt", Swamy said he is not after publicity but "publicity relentlessly seeks a politician".