As clashes erupted in Kishtwar of Jammu and Kashmir Friday, Bharatiya Janata Party leader Sushma Swaraj urged state Chief Minister Omar Abdullah to take immediate action.
"I have checked on Kishtwar. Many injured. Houses and shops burnt. Please do something immediately," Swaraj told Abdullah on Twitter.
In reply, Abdullah said: "Injuries and damage on both sides. Situation is being brought under control. Adequate forces sent."
"I am not referring to any side. Everyone injured there is a Hindustani," she said in reply.
Abdullah said reports of mutilation were lies. He added: "But the lies on mutilations in Kishtwar are designed to inflame passions and polarise people."
He also asked Swaraj to talk to the Northern Army commander or the director general of police, who is in Kishtwar.
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