Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on Thursday reported Rs.6,317 crore net profit for first quarter of fiscal 2016-17, registering 9.9 per cent growth year-on-year.
In a regulatory filing to BSE, the global software major said revenue for the quarter under review increased 14.2 per cent to Rs.29,305 crore, as per the Indian accounting standard, while under the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS), net income grew 4.7 per cent to $940 million and revenue 8.1 per cent YoY to $4,362 million ($4.4 billion).
"Volume growth was 3.4 per cent, while operating income at Rs.7,347 crore was 8.9 per cent up and operating margin was 25.1 per cent" said the IT major.