Goa Police have not yet received the CCTV footage from the five-star hotel where Tehelka editor-in-chief Tarun Tejpal has been accused of sexually assaulting a junior colleague, authorities said Friday.
However, the authorities said they have examined parts of the footage at the hotel.
Deputy Inspector General (DIG) O.P. Mishra told IANS that the handover of the tapes has not happened yet.
"But we have examined it," Mishra said.
Sources said the hotel authorities have been unwilling to hand over the tapes in the absence of a formal first information report (FIR).
Sources added that a Crime Branch team from Goa is likely to leave for New Delhi to pursue the investigation into the case. However, Tehelka's managing editor Shoma Choudhury has already refused to cooperate with Goa Police until a formal police complaint is filed by the victim.
"I will not cooperate with the Goa Police until the girl complains," Choudhury told a national news channel.