Congress leader from Telangana M. Shashidhar Reddy said on Tuesday that party leader Jairam Ramesh's remarks that Rahul Gandhi had become a "full-time politician" post-Gujarat were "mischievous" and asked him not to make remarks that force AICC to issue clarifications.
Referring to Ramesh's remarks in a recent interview that senior Congress leaders should act as "mentors and not tormentors", he said it had forced the party's communications incharge Randeep Singh Surjewala to clarify that those were personal remarks of the former union minister.
Reddy, a former Vice Chairman of National Disaster Management Authority, also referred to Ramesh's other remarks and said "I suggest Jairam Ramesh should refrain from making such comments repeatedly, necessitating official denial or rebuttal from the AICC."
He said Congress President Rahul Gandhi has said more than once that his new team would be combination of youth and experience.
Reddy said he had suggested before Rahul Gandhi took over as party chief in December last that there was need for "Kamaraj Plan: Version 2" and all members of Congress Working Committee and office-bearers of All India Congress Committee should submit their resignations to give him a free hand to revamp the party. --IANS