Malayalam actress Miya George, who is making her Telugu debut with forthcoming romantic-comedy "Ungarala Rambabu", says being part of the project has been a pleasant and learning experience.
In the film, directed by Kranthi Madhav, she is paired with Sunil.
"This is a film with lot of positive energy. I was quite impressed by Kranthi's narration and I immediately said yes to the project. Being part of this project has been a pleasant experience and it made my foray into Telugu filmdom memorable," Miya told IANS.
She plays a character called Savitri.
"She's not a typical heroine. Her character has been written with a purpose and that's what got me excited. In the second half, my character changes with the situations and I liked how Kranthi has treated her transformation," she said.
Asked how she managed with the language barrier, she said: "My director and Sunil helped me with my dialogues. They would narrate a scene and let me understand it fully and only then will we shoot. I still don't know Telugu but if not for their support, I would've had a very tough time."
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Miya is open to doing more Telugu projects.