A high alert has been sounded in Madhya Pradesh after a suspected terrorist in custody escaped by jumping off a moving train near Itarsi railway station.
"Syed Ahmed had been arrested in Vellore in Tamil Nadu from where he was being taken on Raptisagar Express on a court warrant to Lucknow. He managed to jump off the train when it was running slow near the Itarsi station," Hoshangabad Superintendent of Police Ashutosh Pratap Singh told IANS on Thursday.
Ahmed had threatened to blow up a number of places, including a 'dargah' (Sufi shrine) in Lucknow, and had a number of cases registered against him in Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh, he said.
Sources said the suspected terrorist had apparently managed to loosen his handcuffs and unchained himself before jumping off soon after the train passed Itarsi station in Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday night.