Congress MP Shashi Tharoor has so far not been asked to join the investigation into the murder of his wife Sunanda Pushkar, Delhi Police chief B.S. Bassi said Thursday.
"We have not served any formal legal notice to anyone. The investigation officer is yet to attain more information and, only after that, he will decide which person is to be examined," Bassi told the media.
"As of now, according to me, though there was speculation, no notice has been given yet because there are many facets to investigate," he said.
The police commissioner said talking to people was a part of the probe.
"Talking to people is one part, then talking to experts, gathering physical evidence, reviewing the evidence which has already been gathered...," he said.
Sunanda Pushkar was found dead in her south Delhi's hotel room Jan 17, 2014. Nearly a year later, police have registered a murder case.