Telugu filmmaker Madhura Sreedhar has inked a three-film deal with actor Harshavardhan Rane of "Avunu" fame. All three Telugu films will be produced by the filmmaker under his home banner.
"I have signed Harshavardhan Rane for a three-film deal. We are in the process of finalising the three films, and therefore, at the moment I can't reveal the names. But I can confirm that all the three films will be produced by me," Madhura Sreedhar told IANS.
Harshavardhan is currently busy shooting for "Anaamika", Telugu remake of Bollywood film "Kahaani". He is also awaiting the release of Telugu romantic-drama "Prema Ishq Kaadhal".
Sreedhar said: "I want to make a hero" out of Harshvardhan, who has also starred in films such as "Takita Takita" and "Naa Ishtam".