Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Saturday ordered immediate removal of Principal Forest Conservator (Wildlife) S.K. Upadhyay for dereliction of duty and lax supervision following the death of a lioness, brought from Gujarat, at the Etawah Lion Safari.
A state government spokesman said the action was taken after the death of lioness at Etawah Lion Safari and poor upkeep in wildlife reserves and lack of adequate water in some bird sanctuaries. He also said that the lioness Tapasya brought from Gujarat was unwell but the entire issue was not handled well.
Other than this, water bodies have dried up at the bird sanctuaries in Nawabganj (Unnao), Sandila (Hardoi) and Lakh Bahosi (Kannauj) affecting the influx of migratory birds at these places. A high-level committee has also been constituted under the chairmanship of retired IAS official V.N. Garg to probe the charges against the official.