While Kerala's chief minister-designate Pinarayi Vijayan speaks of fighting corruption at all levels, all the CCTV cameras were removed from the Chief Minister's Office on Tuesday, a day ahead of his swearing in.
Former chief minister Oommen Chandy had installed the cameras soon after he assumed office in 2011 and had said that these were meant to show to the world that he had got nothing to hide.
The cameras were connected to the official website of the chief minister and were live round the clock.
Speaking to IANS, an official in the office of Chandy said all the cameras were removed on Sunday.
"We have completely vacated the office and when we went in there on Monday, all the cameras had been removed," said the official who did not wish to be named.
The removal of the cameras comes at a time when Vijayan has said tackling corruption would be on his agenda.
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Vijayan will be sworn in on Wednesday, here at 4 p.m. and after the customary tea with Kerala Governor P. Sathasivam, he will hold his first cabinet meeting at the state secretariat.