Amid high drama, Trinamool Congress leader Anwar Ali was arrested on Thursday from the city for making offensive remarks against the Election Commission.
"Anwar Ali has been arrested for publicly making offensive and intimidating remarks against the EC," said Additional Director General of Police Anuj Sharma.
Put under strict monitoring by the EC for the ongoing assembly polls, Ali in the morning asked party men to "to hit the poll panel with shoes".
"The EC is not allowing me to come out of my house. So hit the EC with shoes by getting more votes polled. Blacken the EC's face by ensuring more votes," Ali was seen saying in a video.
Soon after the TV news channels started beaming Ali's controversial remarks, the EC swung into action asking police to arrest him. A police team rushed to his residence in the city's Cossipore area but found him missing.
He was finally arrested Afew hours later from the city's Seven Tanks' area.
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