The cast of TV show "Tu Mere Agal Bagal Hai" celebrated Eid with children in an orphanage and spread cheer and happiness amongst them.
The cast visited Amcha Ghar - A Home For Girl here and distributed daily utilities and necessities amongst the children to make the ocassion special for them, said a statement.
Also, the film's cast that includes Rajesh Kumar, Shweta Gulati, Sukesh, Ami Trivedi, Sugandha Mishra and others also made a commitment to donate to a worthy cause every month.
"The entire star-cast was planning to do charity and we also discussed amongst ourselves about the institutions that we could approach for the same. This is the first step from our end and we shall continue with our charity every month," said Rajesh in the statement.
Beamed on Sab TV, "Tu Mere Agal Bagal Hai" is a light-hearted stand-up fiction comedy that exhibits the comical happenings in the daily lives of all the members residing in Bungalow No.6.