Artillery fire from the Turkish side has wounded a group of foreign journalists in northern Syria near the Turkish borders on Tuesday.
A group of 33 foreign journalists from Bulgaria, Greece, Germany, the US, China, Russia and Canada was targeted by artillery fire during their tour in the recently-captured town of Kansaba, which was the last bastion of the Turkey-backed rebels and fell to the army in mid-January, Xinhua cited news agency SANA as saying.
Citing a military source, SANA said targeting Kanasaba is a violation of the recently established cessation of hostilities in Syria.
"It is a violation to the ceasefire agreement and another evidence on the involvement of the Turkish side in backing the terrorist groups which are trying to thwart the ceasefire," the military source said.
The source said the attack led to the injury of four journalists, a Russian, Chinese, Bulgarian and Canadian, who were covering the cessation of hostilities in northern Latakia.
The cessation of hostilities, which has been in place since the weekend, is still holding in its fourth day on Tuesday.
The cessation of hostilities agreement was reached by Russia and the US. The Syrian government as well as nearly 100 opposition groups announced their agreement.