Television actors including names like Divyanka Tripathi, Arjun Bijlani, Ravi Dubey, Shubhangi Atre and Surbhi Chandana will come together for an event to mark the 26/11 terror attacks.
Commemorating the bravery and martyrdom of security personnel in the Mumbai terror attacks, Forum for Awareness of National Security (FANS) will organise the inaugural edition of the 26/11 Memorial Day, to be held on November 26 at the BSE building, Fort here.
Divyanka said in a statement: "It is absolutely true what they say about Mumbaikars, we know how to leave things behind us and move on in life. However, if our forward looking attitude is mistaken as our complacency and that Mumbai will let go off anything, then the attackers and terrorists are mistaken. Because on the eve of this 26/11 Memorial Day, we pledge - Never Forget Never Forgive."
The event is aimed at creating awareness and vigilance against terrorism.