Two minors were allegedly raped in two different districts in Bihar. While the accused in one case has been arrested, the other is absconding, police Saturday said.
An eight-year-old girl living in a residential school at Sikaria in Jehanabad district was raped over several days by Aneesh Kumar, a teacher in the school.
"The incident came to light Saturday when girl went home and told her mother about it," police said.
Aneesh has been arrested and sent to jail.
In another case, a seven-year-old girl was raped by her neighbour in a village in Rohtas district, 150 km from here.
"The girl's parents had requested the neighbour to take care of her while they were visiting their relatives for a day. But the accused took advantage of it and raped her. He is absconding and a hunt is on to nab him," police said.