The government on Monday said it has launched two important schemes to increase crop yield in rain-fed areas, including India's north eastern states.
"To increase crop yields in the rain-fed areas, which account for nearly 55 percent of the country's arable land, organic farming is being promoted. Towards this end, the government has launched two important schemes which are Parmparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana and Organic Value Chain Development in north east region," said Jaitley, presenting the annual budget for 2016-17 in the Lok Sabha.
Parmparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana will bring five lakh acres under organic farming over a three-year period and Organic Value Chain Development in north east region will help in promoting organic farming.
"The emphasis is on value addition so that organic produce grown in these parts find domestic and export markets. A total provision of Rs.412 crore has been made for these schemes," said Jaitley.