Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal Saturday said that the Narendra Modi government has decided to provide "uninterrupted electricity through dedicated feeders to farmers" across the country in the next two years.
"We have begun the process to supply uninterrupted electricity through dedicated feeders to farmers for irrigation in the country in next two years," Goyal told mediapersons here before the commercial launch of unit IV of the NTPC Barh Super Thermal Power Plant (STPP) and commercial operation of the 110 MW unit II of the Muzaffarpur Thermal power station (Stage I).
Goyal said that farmers in Gujarat get uninterrupted electricity through dedicated feeders under Deendayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojna.
"It is a successful scheme to provide power to farmers for irrigation in Gujarat. Now this model will be implemented across the country," he said.
Goyal said that the scheme will be launched in Bihar soon.
"The central government with the help of Bihar government, which is also keen to provide power to farmers for irrigation, would launch the scheme to supply power through dedicated feeders," he said.
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He said that all the pending power projects in Bihar would be completed to ensure adequate power to the state.
According to him, the Modi government is doing everything to improve the power situation in the eastern states, particularly in Bihar.
"We have clear cut instructions from Prime Minister Narendra Modi to extend all help to eastern states, including Bihar, to make them self-reliant in the power sector," he said.