Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday announced a cash reward of Rs 50 lakh for Meerut resident Saurabh Chaudhary, who bagged gold in the Men's 10 metre Air Pistol final in the ongoing 2018 Asian Games in Indonesia.
He also announced that once the 16-year-old attains the required age, he will be given a gazetted officer's job with the Uttar Pradesh government.
The Chief Minister also announced a Rs 20 lakh prize for Ravi Kumar, also a Meerut resident, for winning a bronze medal in the mixed team competition of 10-meter air pistol competition at the Asian Games-2018.
He will also get a gazetted officer's job, a state government spokesman said.
Adityanath said both the sportspersons with their hard work and dedication have performed exceedingly well at the Asian Games and have brought laurels to the state and the country.
Uttar Pradesh's Sports Minister Chetan Chauhan has also greeted both Chaudhary and Kumar. "I am sure the feat they have achieved would go on in showing the way to the young and spirited budding sports talent in the state to perform well in national and international events" Chauhan said.
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