Acclaimed writer-lyricist Javed Akhtar Friday stressed the urgent need to preserve the country's heritage and offered his aid in archiving cultural relics.
"In these changing times the care for our culture..our heritage was never needed as much as it is needed now," Akhtar said while inaugurating 'Voices of India' exhibition here.
The National Film award winner enjoyed a walk, through the audio- visual exposition that showcases archived and digitised recordings of 56 musicians belonging to the early 20th century.
"I salute those who put in so much of effort to archive our musical culture...I offer my services if I can be of any help..any use," said Akhtar whose team-up with Salim Khan has produced scripts of a string of superhit films including "Yaadon Ki Baaraat", "Zanjeer", "Trishul", "Don", "Kaala Patthar" and "Shaan".