Bollywood actress Urmila Matondkar tied the knot on Thursday afternoon with Kashmir-based businessman and model Mohsin Akhtar Mir in a quiet ceremony.
"We kept it an exclusive wedding with just family and friends at the celebration. Since our families wanted the wedding to be a low-key affair, we mutually decided to keep it private. We seek your blessings on embarking this new journey of our lives," Urmila, 42, said in a statement.
A close friend of Urmila, designer Manish Malhotra was the only Bollywood personality present at the wedding.
Manish later tweeted: "Most beautiful bride Urmila Matondkar # Congratulations"
"Beautiful bride Urmila Matondkar in @ Manish Malhotra bespoke outfit from The Regal Threads' an ode to # MakeIndia," he said in another tweet.
The couple is reportedly planning a huge reception for their friends and family members.