Accusing Uttarkhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat of indulging in rampant corruption, the BJP on Wednesday alleged that a "Harda Tax" has been imposed in the state to recover the money allegedly spent on winning over legislators during the recent political crisis.
Former Uttarkhand Chief Minister Rakesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank', senior party leader Satpal Maharaj and spokesman Anil Baluni made the allegations against the Congress government at a joint press conference at the party headquarters here.
Maharaj, a former Congress leader, alleged that people associated with Chief Minister are involved in land grabbing and that too of religious organisations.
"False cases are being registered against people associated with Nirmal Virakt Kutia, a Sikh religious organisation based in Haridwar. This is being done to grab the land of the organisation," he said.
Demanding a Central Bureau of Investigation probe into the matter, Maharaj claimed that he will resign from active politics if his charges were proved wrong.
He also said that BJP will also approach the President and Union Home Ministry on the matter.
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Baluni alleged that "Harda Tax" - the name used for Rawat by others in the state - has been imposed in the state as the Chief Minister wants to recover the money he allegedly spent on winning over legislators during the recent political crisis in the state.
Nishank alleged that the money earned through "rampant corruption" in mining and excise departments is being sent to central leaders of Congress, and sought an answer from Congress leadership over the charges.
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