BJP leader Sushma Swaraj, set to win from Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh, Friday attributed the thumping victory of the party in the Lok Sabha election to the hard work of the millions of BJP workers and the "able leadership of Narendra Modi".
Sushma Swaraj, who is said to be no Modi camp follower, in a tweet said: "This victory is the result of hard labour of millions of BJP 'karyakartas', blessings of (Rashtriya Swayamsewak) Sangh and able leadership of Narendra Modi."
"We receive this mandate of people of India with humility and gratitude," Sushma posted.
Earlier, the leader of opposition in the Lok Sabha told reporters that she had congratulated Modi. But she voiced irritation when asked what ministerial berth she is expecting in the new BJP-led government.
"It will be the prime minister's prerogative to choose who will be in his cabinet," she said and chided reporters for asking her "loaded questions".