BJP leader Vijender Gupta on Monday lodged a complaint with the State Election Commission against AAP's National Convener Arvind Kejriwal for using his "distorted photographs" in his party's hoardings for the upcoming civic polls.
In a letter to the Election Commission, Gupta, who is the Leader of Opposition in Delhi assembly, demanded strict action against Kejriwal and other leaders of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and sought the removal of hoardings carrying his "distorted photographs".
He alleged Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his party had resorted to "bad practices" and breached the election rules.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader said that the AAP had put up posters and hoardings in which it had shown Kejriwal's face along with "my distorted picture".
"I vehemently object to this. The party (AAP) and its leaders have no right to use my picture and much less a distorted one. It is done with a mala fide intention to let me and my supporters down," Gupta said in the letter.
"Kindly take strict action against Kejriwal and other AAP leaders for breaching the rules and issue direction to the accused party to remove such posters/ hoardings," Gupta demanded.
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The AAP has put up a number of hoardings at various places in the city carrying faces of Kejriwal representing AAP and Vijender Gupta representing BJP.
In the hoardings, the AAP has asked the voters whether they want to give the governance of municipal corporations to Kejriwal or to Vijendra Gupta.
"Reins of MCD to whom: Kejriwal or Vijendra Gupta?" the hoardings read.
The BJP has been ruling the municipal corporation in the city for the last 10 years.
Elections for the North, East and South Delhi Municipal Corporations are scheduled for April 23 and results will be announced on April 26.