Actor-comedian Vir Das, who features in "31st October" and a short film titled "Raakh", says he is glad some intense roles are coming his way rather than the usual comical roles that he gets.
The first look of "Raakh", writer-director Milap Zaveri's maiden production venture, was released on October 11. It showed Vir in a different kind of role, in a brooding intense look, along with actors Richa Chadha and Shamas Randhawa.
"Doing 'Raakh' was challenging as an actor. Not because I found the role tough. It was just the sheer expectation to do something new for the audience that adds the rightful pressure," Vir said in a statement.
"I have always been keen in dramatics since I was a kid and I'm happy that such roles are coming my way and filmmakers do accept to see me beyond a comedian," he added.
"Raakh" will be out on November 7.