The CBI on Tuesday summoned the Gwalior-based Special Investigation Team (SIT) to take charge of the probe into the Madhya Pradesh Vyapam recruitment and admissions scam and related deaths.
The Gwalior-Chambal region of the state is where most of the over 45 deaths related to the raging Vyavsayik Pariksha Mandal (Vyapam) - Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board - have occurred over the past few years.
Read more from our special coverage on "VYAPAM SCAM"
A 40-member Central Bureau of Investigation team arrived in Bhopal on Monday following the Supreme Court's order to the agency to take over the investigation into the scam from SIT, the state police's probe agency.
The CBI team has already conducted two meetings with the SIT's Special Task Force (STF) and it has handed over many significant documents to the central agency, sources said.
According to CBI sources, a special team of Gwalior police was probing various matters related to the Vyapam scam. This is the region from where many suspects have been arrested and many scam related deaths have been reported.