Kolbeer Singh, a criminal who carried a Rs.2 lakh reward on his head, was killed in a gun battle with Haryana Police Monday in Rohtak district, said the police.
Kolbeer, who was wanted for the murders of two brothers in Bond Kalan village of Bhiwani district, was killed in the gun battle in Kalanaur town of Rohtak district, 90 km from New Delhi, said Inspector General of Police Anil Kumar Rao.
Police got a tip-off that Kolbeer would be going to Bond Kalan village in Bhiwani district, following which the police mounted an operation to nab him.
"He was killed when he tried to escape," Rao said.
Kolbeer was accused of murdering two brothers Rajender and Kuldeep in Bond Kalan village November 2012. The double-murder had led to the violence, which prompted villagers to set a police station on fire.