Film: "We're The Millers"; Cast: Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Ed Helms, Emma Roberts, Will Poulter, Laura-Leigh, Molly C. Quinn; Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber; Rating: ***
It's a story of a group of losers who pose as a happy family in order to make their lives bearable. They look like a delightful family to everyone they meet, but in reality they are just the opposite -- obnoxious, foul mouthed crude beings.
The narration begins nonchalantly capturing the life of David Clark (Jason Sudeikis), a small time drug dealer. In his bid to be helpful to latchkey Kenny (Will Poulter) a neighbourhood lad, he gets mugged of a week's take. So he is forced by his boss Brad (Ed Helms) with an easier-said-than-done task of smuggling a "smidge and half" of Marijuana from across the Mexican border.
In order to improve his odds of making it past the border, David fakes a family as his disguise. He tempts his neighbour the out-of-work stripper Rose (Jennifer Aniston), Kenny as Kevin and another apparently homeless girl Cassey (Emma Roberts) to join him and pretend they're on a family holiday.
But since they all are single with care-a-damn attitude, David insists that they have a make-over. So with a new wardrobe, haircuts, they take a flight to Mexico as squeaky-clean "Miller family."
After they land in Mexico they nearly freak out with shock when they realise that nearly two tonnes of marijuana has to be smuggled into the US in a pickup that David's boss has organised.
In spite of all the odds, David the opportunist willingly takes the risk and ensures that the others adhere to his plans.
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The road-trip from Mexico back to America is one hell of a riotous journey filled with adventure and excitement. More than the plot, the film stands out because of the dialogues and the actors.
Jason Sudeikis is splendid with his consistent on-the-face one-liners and expecting one in return. He is engaging, funny but not too arrogant or smug. The actor seemed so natural playing David.
Jennifer Aniston was also very competitive, quick witted and balanced Jason well. Will Poulter and Emma Roberts slip into their roles with ease.
But it is the ever entertaining Kathryn Hahn as Edie and Nick Offerman as Don of the conservative and messed-up Fitzgerald family - who travels along with the Millers - who alter the dynamics of the film. They add glimmer to weird plot-points of the narration.
Director Rawson Marshall Thurber does manage to weave in some memorable parts but unfortunately it does not have the same zing that one saw in his first feature film "Dodgeball", which was outrageously ridiculous and hilarious.
The script of "We're The Millers" is neither outlandishly ridiculous nor is it continuously funny enough to be a classic. It is a completely tongue-in-cheek product. Nevertheless it is a good adult comedy that you will not want to forget for some time.