In its bid to bring best call experience to its over one billion monthly active users, instant messaging platform Whatsapp in its latest Android beta update has added a new call back and voicemail feature, technology website Android Central reported on Thursday.
With the update 2.16.189, Whatsapp users will soon have the ability to send a voicemail in case a voice call does not go through or if the recipient declines the call, said Android Central report.
Earlier, one had to go back to the chat window to send a voice message but that option is now available directly in the after-call menu which also offers the ability to call the user back.
There is also the ability to reply to a specific message in a chat window, which was rolled out in the last update.
To do so, all you have to do is tap and hold a message, and hit the reply button. The changes are now available in the beta client of WhatsApp, and should be making their way to the stable version shortly, the report added.