Amidst all the sword fighting on historical TV show "Bharat Ka Veer Putra Maharana Pratap", actor Ssharad Malhotra has found a new best friend in his co-star and it's a horse.
Ssharad bonded with the horse while narrating the stories of Maharana Pratap and Chetak's (horse) relationship for the show, which is aired on Sony Entertainment Television.
He is now emotionally attached to the white horse and loves spending some quality time with him.
"Onscreen and off-screen, I love my horse Chetak, he is included in the list of my best friends too. Infact now Chetak has started understanding my language too and responds to my actions and words," Ssharad said in a statement.
"He is very fond of eating carrots and hence without fail I do get some gaajars (carrot) for him every day which makes him very happy," he added.