Indian cricketer Gautam Gambhir on Thursday backed paramilitary personnel who were manhandled by Kashmiri youths in a video which has gone viral on social media, saying whoever wants freedom for Kashmir can leave the country.
A video which shows Indian security forces being physically and verbally abused in the Kashmir Valley went viral on Wednesday.
Reacting to the incident, Gambhir took to Twitter and said for every slap on the security personnel, at least a 100 jihadi should be killed.
"For every slap on my army's Jawan lay down at least a 100 jihadi lives. Whoever wants Azadi LEAVE NOW! Kashmir is ours. #kashmirbelongs2us," the Delhi batsman tweeted.
"Anti-Indians hav forgotten dat our flag also stands 4: saffron -- fire of our anger, white -- shroud for jihadis, green -- hatred 4 terror," he added.