Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar Wednesday said foreigners working illegally in the state will not be tolerated, promising action against foreign nationals having only tourist visas but engaged in business activities.
"Two squads have been formed to crackdown on such activity. I have instructed the IGP (inspector general of police) about this," Parsekar told reporters on the sidelines of a government function here.
Goa is one of the top beach tourism destinations in the country and abroad and attracts three million tourists, including half a million foreign tourists.
In the last few years, there have been several problems between local residents and foreign nationals, with the former accusing foreigners of indulging in tourism and travel business illegally without obtaining business or work visas.
Parsekar also said local tour and travel operators have been instructed not to work with foreign nationals who are not authorised to work in the country.
"Action will be taken against anyone who defies the law," Parsekar said.