Delhi Commission for Women chief Swati Maliwal on Friday said she was shocked at Uttar Pradesh Minister Azam Khan's remark to a rape victim, and politicians should think of their mothers and sisters before making insensitive statements.
At an event in Kanpur on Thursday, a woman, who was allegedly raped in a moving car four months ago, sought the help of Uttar Pradesh's urban development minister as the investigation aws moving at a slow pace and the accused were roaming free.
Azam Khan told her: "Agar aap badnami ko itni shohrat dengi, toh zamane ko apni shakal kaise dikhayengi? (If you rake up such a shameful matter, how will you have a face to live in the society)".
Enraged at the statement, Maliwal tweeted: "Politicians should exercise caution on such sensitive issues and should think of their mothers and sisters before showing insensitivity."
She said political leaders should support a victim's struggle for justice.
Maliwal said: "(I am) shocked by Azam Khan's comments on a woman raped in a moving car whose husband was stabbed. How can he tell a rape victim that her struggle is publicity stunt which will bring her disgrace and she'll not be able to show her face!"