Zee TV Friday launched a new show "Bandhan ? Saari Umar Humein Sang Rehna Hai" with a message that animals do not intend to hurt human beings.
Set in a small village in Maharashtra, the plot revolves around the bond that a family of a forest ranger, especially his daughter, Darpan, shares with a baby elephant.
Producer Siddhartha Kumar Tewary, who was at the launch event here, says that being an animal lover he always wanted to do a story on animals.
"The message through this serial is that animals are not here to hurt you," he said.
For Aditya Redij, who plays the forest ranger, portraying the character was not difficult as he has two nieces of the same age as his onscreen daughter.
Shweta Munshi found shooting with an elephant an adventurous experience.
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"Initially, we were reluctant and scared. But after spending some time with the tusker, we became comfortable," added the actress who will be seen as Darpan's onscreen mother.
The weekly show will go on air Sep 16 and will be beamed at 7p.m.