With reference to “Now, Aadhaar must for opening bank accounts” (June 17), earlier it was for direct benefit transfer schemes, then PAN linking and now it is bank account. If the government thinks that all other documents that are considered as proof of identity are useless then it would be better that it came out with a single ordinance that henceforth, no documents other than Aadhaar would be admissible for identity proof. Why go for frequent and piecemeal legislations?
Also, it shall be remembered that Aadhaar was introduced under the previous government when the current party in power had vehemently opposed it. Now, the party is finding it a sacrosanct document and panacea for all ills of forged documents. What a change in stand from the role of opposition to power! This also brings out the fact that we simply act to oppose without going into the merits of actions of those in power and this mindset needs to change in the interest of our democracy.
Ajay Gupta by email
Idea for future
With reference to “Now, Aadhaar must for opening bank accounts” (June 17), the piecemeal introduction of additional requirements for carrying out normal financial transactions makes citizens averse to innovations and helps middlemen make an easy buck for providing “services” which in the normal course should come free. Aadhaar, from the time the idea of “universal identity”, has suffered from the absence of a “project approach” in implementation. Politicians, professionals, the government of India, the media and social activists have contributed in equal measure in confounding the confusion that was the twin of Aadhaar. At least at this stage, the government should professionalise further processes in the implementation of Aadhaar and restore its credibility in the minds of citizens.
An all-purpose single identity number for each individual is a still sound idea for the future. That will solve number portability issues and minimise irritants such as problems arising from spelling changes in names, addresses etc. caused by outsourced service providers who manage compilation and processing of data.
M G Warrier, Thiruvananthapuram
Seed price cut
With reference to “Hybrid seed prices cut by 10% for 2017-18 kharif season” (June 16), the Centre in consultation with the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices has just announced a modest hike in kharif minimum support prices (MSP) of pulses, oil seeds, paddy, maize and bajra. Pulses observe an increase of Rs 350-400 a quintal while soybean MSP increases by Rs 275 a quintal and paddy MSP by Rs 80 a quintal. The hike in MSP and retail price cut by 10 per cent for hybrid seeds can be a welcome and timely move to protect farmers’ interests and guard them against market swings. With decisions coming to effect from the 2017-18 kharif season, procurement agencies should fix their plan of work to cover as many small farmers as possible by offering adequate services and timely payment of procured quantities.
Retail price cut for hybrid seeds should not entice unscrupulous manufacturers to sell “untruthful-label” seeds to ill-informed farmers. The seed certification bodies can conduct random inspection at the points of sale. On the other hand, post-harvest management for pulses and grains should be scientific, in that market agencies can engage in improved warehousing and storage and promote warehouse receipt financing. Increase in MSP might motivate pulse growers to expand the area under cultivation or improve productivity. Nonetheless, fertiliser and pesticide prices should be well-regulated to meet farmers’ budget. Else, they may not be able to reap a good return or their claim, “low profitability on farming”, cannot be disproved.
Kushankur Dey, Bhubaneswar
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