took over as a full-time Chairman-cum-Managing Director (CMD) of Air-India (A-I) last week. He will have a tenure of three years. There must be something special about the 55-year-old IAS officer of the Tripura cadre because he is the first full-time CMD to be appointed for A-I after a gap of nine years, a period that coincided with serious attempts by the government to privatise the airline. |
Thulasidas has been pitchforked into the A-I cockpit at a critical time. Despite posting a net profit of Rs 134 crore in 2002-03, the airline is reeling under cumulative operating losses of Rs 303.12 crore on nine out of its 10 routes. |
A few years ago, the government called off its privatisation plans because the airline did not fetch a "fair value". |
Son of a school-teacher, the soft-spoken Keralite remains unfazed by the carrier's operating losses. He has a clear idea of what he wants to do. |
"Air India should be the best airline in the world. To attain those heights will require team effort. So I will focus on building the team first. Quality, profits and employee satisfaction will be my focus areas," he says. |
Within 48 hours of his appointment, Thulasidas held a series of meetings with A-I top brass to understand the business. |
Sources in the aviation ministry say his appointment is strategic in nature. "It reflects the Centre's clear plan to decide on the fate of A-I within a time-frame of three years," says a senior bureaucrat. |
Thulasidas takes over at a time when the operational integration of the two national carriers "" A-I and Indian Airlines (IA) "" is gaining momentum. |
It also comes close on the heels of the A-I board approving its fleet acquisition plan which entails buying 10 long-range and 18 short-range aircraft for roughly Rs 10,000 crore. |
Add to this the fact that the government is talking about an open sky policy, and the challenge before A-I is truly formidable. |
There are 37 international airlines operating at Mumbai airport and Indian carriers account for a mere 24 per cent of the international flights. |
Further, while the foreign carriers utilise 44 of the 46 active air service agreements (ASAs), the Indian carriers operate only 20. |
"If this continues, the national carriers run the risk of becoming fringe players," says an aviation industry source. It's certainly not going to be a joy-ride for Thulasidas. |
For one, the airline's pilots may have been tamed for the time being but given an opportunity they are capable of striking back. |
By its very nature A-I arouses strong passions and Thulasidas could find himself running into turbulent weather for taking any unpleasant decisions like privatisation. |
For the time being, he appears to have got off to a good start by striking the right chord with A-I employees. |
"Our new CMD is a very good listener. He is not overpowering by nature and does not project a high profile," says an A-I employee closely associated with the CMD's office. |
He also seems to be enjoying the backing of the powers-that-be. Ashok Saikia, the joint secretary in the PMO, is said to have thrown his weight behind his appointment. |
An IAS officer of 1972 batch, Thulasidas was chief secretary to Tripura before his new job. An ardent admirer of T S Eliot, Thulasidas's passion was English literature, in which he acquired a post-graduate degree. |
After that, he taught briefly in a college in Kerala and even enrolled himself for PhD in the University of Kerala. |
But he was selected for the IAS before he completed his doctoral thesis and was allotted to the Manipur-Tripura cadre. |
Given a choice, Thulasidas would have preferred journalism but he took the plunge in the civil services because he had just a year left to cross the upper age limit for the exam. |
What he regrets even today is that he had to quit American theatre school after he joined the Indian Administrative Services. |
He is not, however, a fledgling to aviation. He has been under secretary, ministry of civil aviation; director (Air), ministry of defence; and joint secretary (Air), ministry of defence. |
In his new assignment "" the toughest one in his career "" he can draw comfort from the example of M Damodaran, the man who took over the Unit Trust of India after its worst crisis. Like Thulasidas, Damodaran is also a former chief secretary of Tripura. |
"There is something about Tripura that prepares one to take on heavier responsibilities," says the new CMD of A-I. Nothing can be heavier than keeping A-I flying in the present competitive environment. |