Associate Director - Oil & Gas, PwC The fundamentals of demand and supply will prevail in the medium to long term, resulting in a self-price-correction mechanism The former Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, recently said, "I think we are clearly on the edge of recession, placing the odds at 50 per cent or better. High oil prices are a burden now." Saudi Aramco feels that oil prices have been buffeted by the combination of relatively healthy demand, concerns for supply interruptions, stretched refining capacity, world and regional events, and a continued debate about the role of financial speculation in oil price volatility. Further, the effects of sub-prime debt problem have rippled through global markets, risking global economic growth and creating uncertainty for the oil market in general and oil demand in particular. In addition, volatility among key world currencies has confused the situation further. |
Oil has been traded globally for more than a century, and commodity pricing in the oil sector is well-established. Crude oil prices behave much as any other commodity with wide price swings in times of shortage or oversupply. The crude oil price cycle may extend over several years responding to changes in demand as well as OPEC and non-OPEC supply. In the short term, the movements in crude oil price are influenced by geopolitical events, movement of financial markets, expectations and psychology, whereas, in the medium to long run, the fundamentals of demand and supply (production capacity) will prevail, resulting in a self-price-correction mechanism. |
The vulnerability of oil-importing countries to higher oil prices varies. Studies have indicated that a sustained increase of $10 in the crude oil price would reduce economic growth in the OECD as a whole by up to 0.5 per cent. The impact on growth in developing countries is thought to be significantly higher, because energy-intensive manufacturing generally accounts for a larger share of their GDP. |
Since 2002, major oil producing countries have gained confidence to invest in exploration and development. Furthermore, planned gross capacity additions from new projects in non-OPEC countries (including non-conventional sources such as oil sands and gas-to-liquids) would add to supply. The development of technology and rising prices have made non-conventional oil production economic, such as the Canadian tar sands, now producing about one million barrels per day (mbpd), as well as production from deep and ultra-deep offshore locations. These capacity additions would outstrip the expected demand growth of about 9.4 mbpd over the same period. |
Markets worry about a worsening US economy that could hit demand. Oil-consuming countries have also started diversifying their fuel-mix by switching to alternative sources of energy like natural gas and renewables. The interplay of these forces would drive down the prices of crude oil from the current levels. |
The Energy Information Administration has projected crude oil price to average $94 per barrel in 2008 and ease somewhat to about $86 per barrel in 2009. The crystal ball of many planners would actively gaze, but recent developments indicate high oil prices will not be sustainable and will drive down. Energy technologists are hopeful that high prices would drive the world to develop alternative technologies and, in the mid term, become the cause of reduction. |
Ernst & Young
Rising geopolitical uncertainty, a falling dollar and the growing speculative interest in commodities trading will keep crude prices volatile
Current crude prices which have crossed $110 a barrel are nearly 10 times the levels less than a decade ago. Crude oil futures prices for delivery until 2016 have also moved above $100 a barrel. This is a clear indication that high crude oil prices are here to stay as investors bet that oil prices will remain high in the long term. The sustained northward movement of the prices points towards some fundamental changes in the market.