Human Resources Development Minister Pallam Raju has become overactive at the fag end of his tenure. The minister launched the National School Development Framework in the presence of the media on Thursday and then released the National Achievement Survey report the next day. In fact, the Massive Open Online Courses of IIT Madras was initially meant to be launched by the Secretary, Higher Education, but the minister decided to launch it himself at the last moment on Friday evening. In between, he also attended the Central Board for Secondary Education award function in the capital. Significantly, Pallam Raju, who hails from the Seemandhra region, had spent the last few months since October 2013 protesting against the Centre's decision to go ahead with the creation of Telangana. Raju did not attend office for weeks on end in protest but was in the news briefly for heading an official delegation to Mauritius nonetheless. The minister's hyperactivity comes when it's only a matter of days before the Election Commission announces election dates.