The Rs 18,837 crore GAIL's net profits rose 6 per cent to Rs 720 crore in the March 2008 quarter.That has surprised the street which had not expected very good volumes or margins for natural gas or the LPG transmission businesses. However, better realisations for natural gas""up 17 per cent---and a turnaround in the LPG and liquid hydrocarbons division, driven partly by higher crude prices, helped the company post reasonably good numbers. Besides, analysts had pencilled in a higher subsidy burden that GAIL shoulders for oil marketing companies, who are retailing finished products such as petrol at prices below costs to consumers. The company, which buys and distributes gas, has provided a subsidy that is 23 per cent lower than the amount provided in the March 2007 quarter. For FY08, the provision for subsidy is lower by about 12 per cent compared with FY07. This amount could, however, change at a later date. As a result, GAIL's operating profit margin expanded 800 basis points to 23.5 per cent for the March quarter, driving an impressive 93 per cent growth in the operating profit, while net sales rose 27 per cent. In the first three quarters of FY 08, GAIL's performance had been largely lacklustre with net sales growth varying between a negative 1.8 per cent and 22.2 per cent, partly on account of plant shutdowns. GAIL's partnership with Reliance Industries for transporting the latter's gas from its oilfields, will allow it to better utilise its networks over the next 18-24 months as will higher volumes from Petronet LNG's Dahej plant. However, the stock fell 3.3 per cent on Wednesday because the exact amount of subsidy that it will need to provide is not known. At Rs 395, the stock trades at a reasonable 12.2 estimated FY09 earnings. |
Titan: Still |
The company has managed to sell more of the high-margin studded jewellery as also the designer jewellery. However, the earnings before interest and tax (ebit) margin for the jewellery segment fell 20 basis points to 5.1 per cent and since this accounts for about two-thirds of the company's revenues, the operating margin for the company as a whole was lower by 140 basis points at 10.2 per cent.
The Gold Plus brand ""which is sold in smaller towns--didn't fare too well with demand falling in the wake of higher gold prices.