Additionally, it is important to note that India's PSBs are ill, but not their private sector counterparts. PSBs suffer from the handicap of being owned by the government. This leads to many self-serving bank managements offering loans to serve the businessman-politician nexus that manifests itself in crony capitalism. Thus, the problem lies in the vehicle through which government ownership is exercised. The right place for the CAG's department to begin, in order to find out what has gone wrong in the banks, is the Union finance ministry, which has equipped the banks with inadequate management structures. The CAG's mandate covers the Union finance ministry. The problems of ownership have already been recognised and the Banks Board Bureau has been established under the leadership of the former CAG, Vinod Rai, in order to put in place professional managements that will in future be insulated from political influence.
The reason why Mr Rai holds the position that he does is the stature he acquired during his stewardship of the CAG's department, which unearthed the manner in which spectrum and mining leases were doled out. Institutions matter more than individuals, but the reality is that both the CAG's department and the RBI have been seen to be delivering exceptionally under the leadership of exceptional individuals like Mr Rai and Raghuram Rajan. It is under the latter's leadership that the RBI put in place mechanisms which prevented banks from continuing to sweep NPAs under the carpet. It is to be hoped that the central bank would continue to keep a tight vigil on this area under its new leadership as well.
The reality is that banks are commercial institutions and their managements have to feel confident that professional decisions taken by them in good faith will not be questioned later with the benefit of hindsight. If, in addition to "vigilance", bank officials have to worry about CAG "paragraphs", then loans will hardly get sanctioned. There is no need for the CAG to second-guess the credit decisions of banks or the RBI's supervision of them. The RBI is already audited under existing rules and there is no need to do anything that may be seen to be undermining its autonomy. The attempt at overreach by the CAG seems to be a reflection of the ingrained tendency of bureaucracies to try to extend their domains.