Letter to BS: UN panel on climate change paints a scary picture

Despite the US government's belligerent approach, it is a redeeming factor that almost all other countries are willing to chip in by cutting down CO2 emissions significantly

Bs_logoLetter to BS: UN panel on climate change paints a scary picture
Global Warming, Climate Change
Business Standard
Last Updated : Oct 14 2018 | 11:35 PM IST
Apropos “Heed the warning” (October 12); it is true that slowing down the march of climate change and global warming is not something that India — or for that matter any other country — can do it alone. It is a global problem and needs efforts by all countries to mitigate the situation. Despite the US government's belligerent approach, it is a redeeming factor that almost all other countries are willing to chip in by cutting down CO2 emissions significantly. Even in the US, very large industrial conglomerates are not only willing but have actually put in place measures to achieve the reduction targets suggested by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 

India may well be burdened with higher emission reduction targets without any financial support — as pointed out by Nitin Sethi, in an article in your paper — but it can't afford to take a confrontational view and slow down efforts in the right direction. The fact that the hardship is likely to be more for India should be another reason for us to act rapidly and do our best. Our renewable energy programme should help in achieving our targets. Further, we have to make our disaster management system more robust and proactive to save the lives of our people. We have to act in mission mode.

Krishan Kalra, Gurugram

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