This refers to the editorial "Leaderless and lost" (November 6) that exhorts the ruling party to sell their achievements in the best interests of an informed electoral process. Such expectations appear to be misplaced. It is a fact that the Congress, drunk with power and overconfident of electoral success in ways more inappropriate than appropriate, has been insensitive to the needs of the general population. There are glaring indications of the public's discomfort touching intolerable levels due to price rise, corruption, mis-governance and what not. Rather than going for self-analysis and corrective measures, it has conveniently resorted to self-certification.
Whenever a minister was caught doing something wrong, there have been at least a dozen other ministers and party functionaries howling in unison to justify the unjustifiable. Such ganging up for immoral reasons has robbed the system of whatever morality and credibility it had left. Sane advice is no longer the need of the hour. Rather, national interests dictate that the current ruling dispensation must be allowed a natural death.
Except the ruling party, government, advertisers and the paid media nobody believes in the Bharat Nirman advertising campaign being repeated ad nauseam - spending crores of public money. Nobody should shed tears for the outgoing party, and let the alternatives line up before the electorate.
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Whenever a minister was caught doing something wrong, there have been at least a dozen other ministers and party functionaries howling in unison to justify the unjustifiable. Such ganging up for immoral reasons has robbed the system of whatever morality and credibility it had left. Sane advice is no longer the need of the hour. Rather, national interests dictate that the current ruling dispensation must be allowed a natural death.
Except the ruling party, government, advertisers and the paid media nobody believes in the Bharat Nirman advertising campaign being repeated ad nauseam - spending crores of public money. Nobody should shed tears for the outgoing party, and let the alternatives line up before the electorate.
Chandan Kumar Parhi Bhubaneswar
Letters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
The Editor, Business Standard
Nehru House, 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi 110 002
Fax: (011) 23720201
All letters must have a postal address and telephone number