This refers to the news item ‘DDA flat owners to get demand letters in mid-Jan.’ DDA has received registration money of Rs 1.50 lakh each from the 5.67 lakh applicants to provide about 5,000 flats costing anywhere between Rs 7 lakh and Rs 77 lakh. The authority will return registration money after three months without interest. With the sale of flats, DDA stands to earn about Rs 750 crore. Soon it is going ahead with a new scheme of 14,000 flats for common citizens. What about the profit earned by this government agency? Should we not equate DDA with a private builder?
The government has empowered citizens to ask for information under the RTI Act. Let us question DDA about the scheme, what was the logic of demanding application money of Rs 1.5 lakh from each citizen, why not pay the interest to applicants (investors) after deduction of administration expenses (DDA would have earned an interest worth Rs 120 crore by investing in banks), what about profit earned on previous schemes, and when will they allot plots to those who were registered under DDA Rohini Scheme back in 1981?
S P Manchanda, Delhi